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분류 부정선거

미국 부정선거의 의혹

페이지 정보

작성자 레이문드


"I am going to be crucified by many of my fellow “leftists” for saying this, but something smells incredibly fishy about these election results. How in the world can the Democrats lose several House seats, gain no ground in the Senate, but manage to win the presidency? How did Trump win Ohio again (which previously went to Obama twice) by 8 points, just like he did in 2016, but lose all these other key swing states at the 11th hour? Am I really supposed to believe a candidate as poor as Biden got more votes than even Obama in his 2008 landslide? The projection polls were again way off and Trump was massively exceeding expectations getting several million more votes than last time, but he still ends up losing? Did the media cut away in the middle of Bush’s speeches when he was stealing the 2000 election? None of this adds up and you have partisan blinders on if you can’t see it. Not to say the GOP doesn’t engage in voter suppression, but there is no way in a million years you will ever convince me there isn’t a coup d’etat under way right now."


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